New Moon @ My Plastic Heart

Happy New Year Sketchbot followers!  It's been a very busy start for me, as I just completed a big freelance gig for Saatchi NY and am putting finishing touches on a few new pieces for various shows early in the year.

First up is New Moon, Interpretations of the Chinese Zodiac, opening tonight (2/11) at My Plastic Heart NYC. This is the third iteration of the zodiac-themed show, curated by John Wong.

My concept took a few twists and turns before settling on an idea that was partly inspired by my 1-yr old daughter's wooden toy blocks. My birth year is 1965, so naturally I chose to do The Snake. Pigs are on the direct opposite on the zodiac scale, so I wanted to incorporate them into the composition. The humanoids were based on old sketches I did years ago while doing simple, volumetric character studies.

The final piece, titled "Why Do Opposites Attract?", is an 11" x 17" Giclée print and will be on display thru March 13th, 2011.

Sketchbot Custom Show 2 Sneak Peek Day Five

Alright, technically, it's Thursday as I compose this final teaser grid before we head out to LA. I'm simply not going to have any time to do this in the morning before heading to the airport, so those of you up late get first dibs.

This last group is comprised of pieces by: Atomos, babyVtec, Steve Talkowski (hey, that's ME), Jenny Wolf, Mister Toast, Kingquan, Phetus, Gumpy Revolution, and Scott Tolleson.

I hope you've all enjoyed a week's worth of teasers. Be sure to come back for complete coverage from the show at Munky King, plus all the cool events going down in Pasadena this Saturday at Designer Con!

Sketchbot Custom Show 2 Sneak Peek Day Four!

Alright folks, here we go with day four's teaser grid. As the incredible imagery continues to pour in I get excited as to the impact this show will have on the DIY custom community. People are going above and beyond with their entries and I am truly blown away!

Artists in today's grid are: George Gaspar, LYSOL, Overkill Creations, Ritzy P, Nathan Hamill, Ayleen Gaspar, Betso, Triclops, Kelly Denato, Pocket Wookie, Sour Bones, and Abe Lincoln Jr.!

Sketchbot Custom Show 2 Sneak Peek!

Alright folks, we're one week away from the big show at Munky King, and what better way to kick off the countdown than to release the first set of teaser images!

We've got 75 artists this time around and I have to tell you, everyone seems to be upping their game significantly for this show. The entries are as diverse as the first show, and I'm truly blown away by what people are coming up with for this platform.

Artists represented in this series of teaser grids: MAp-MAp, Euralis Weekes, Yoshii, David Lanham, J★RYU, A Little Stranger, Mr Munk, Lunartik, Mike Bell, Mike Slobot, Chris Ryniak, and Jim Bradshaw.

Stay tuned next week as I reveal teaser grids Mon-Thurs leading up to opening night!

Sketchbot at SDCC 2010

It's that time of the year to head out to San Diego and geek out on comics, art, and designer toys! Sketchbot is out and will be available for purchase at the show. If you'd like a signed copy, make your way to the Dragatomi Booth #3848 on Thursday, 11am, and Saturday, 11am, when I'll be on hand to sign and sketch.

Another booth you're definitely going to want to swing by is my distributor, DKE Toys #4732. We'll be revealing Variants 2 and 3 in the Sketchbot series!

Looking forward to meeting all the new fans of Sketchbot at the show - see you in San Diego!

Sketchball & Refbot for World Cup @ Crewest

As I'm anxiously awaiting the start of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, it was only fitting to tailor my latest custom for Crewest's World Cup show after an event that is often times preceded by the histrionic talents of those presented with the ultimate penalty - the dreaded RED CARD EJECTION.  The show opens tonight, Saturday, June 5th, from 6-9pm in Los Angeles, CA.

Additionally, I was also chosen as their first ever "Custom Toy Designer of the Month" that, coincidentally, also takes place concurrently with the World Cup opening.  This included being offered the 3rd Saturday of the month to host an event of my choosing, which, thanks to the stars being in alignment, meant that I would be able to finally offer up Sketchbot to the world.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 19th, as I fly to LA for the release and signing of Sketchbot V1!  More info to follow.  In the meantime, do swing by the gallery to catch the current shows, along with World Cup First Round Viewing Parties (see attached flyer for match-ups and game time starts)

Sketchbot iPad Wallpaper - Series 1

Yes, I drink the Apple Kool-Aid big time. I got an iPad within the first week they went on sale and am having a blast with it. I still have yet to find the ideal stylus for drawing with (don't get me started) but the iPad is proving to be an excellent digital portfolio companion when I'm out and about.  I'm anxious to put it to the test in July, when I'll be attending SDCC and Siggraph back-to-back. Ideally, I'd love to leave my MacBook Pro at home and just rely on the iPad for all my computing needs while at the conventions. One crucial test will be how quickly I can load up photos from my Canon 7D and actually do some rudimentary editing before posting up here and to Flickr.  I'll be acquiring the hard-to-obtain(?) Camera Connection Kit soon and do some thorough testing.

In the meantime, I'm way overdue with getting some Sketchbot related artwork up for iPad wallpaper use. The trick is formatting imagery to look good in both portrait and landscape mode.  I recently completed some vector artwork for my Thought Processor custom last week, so I'm offering these up as the first in a series of Sketchbot iPad Wallpaper. If you're reading this page on your iPad, simply click on the image, save to your photo library, and assign as desktop, home screen, or both. Enjoy!