Sketchbot Custom Show 2 Sneak Peek!

Alright folks, we're one week away from the big show at Munky King, and what better way to kick off the countdown than to release the first set of teaser images!

We've got 75 artists this time around and I have to tell you, everyone seems to be upping their game significantly for this show. The entries are as diverse as the first show, and I'm truly blown away by what people are coming up with for this platform.

Artists represented in this series of teaser grids: MAp-MAp, Euralis Weekes, Yoshii, David Lanham, J★RYU, A Little Stranger, Mr Munk, Lunartik, Mike Bell, Mike Slobot, Chris Ryniak, and Jim Bradshaw.

Stay tuned next week as I reveal teaser grids Mon-Thurs leading up to opening night!